Learning PowerShell has become an important skillset for those that manage Microsoft products on-premises or in Office 365. This book was written to provide those new to PowerShell some help in learning PowerShell, not from a theory side of things, but focused on practical, real world advice and is targeted to be an introductory PowerShell book. As such, the book, while not intended to be an advanced book, does cover some advanced topics and concepts. All code was either written for a real work scenario or used to solve a real world problem.
The author is an eight year Microsoft MVP specializing in PowerShell, Exchange and Office 365 and has over twenty years of IT experience which help craft the examples in the book. So expect real world, practical examples for you to follow. No theory here.
Included in the book are tips, tricks and best practices for PowerShell. Creating reports and documentation can also be created and automated with PowerShell.
A quick sample of topics in the book should give you, the reader, an idea of what is contained in the book:
- Add and Replace – How to use PowerShell to perform these actions on variables and properties.
- Arrays – A Deeper Dive
- Connectivity Testing – Verify connections to remote systems with PowerShell before connecting or performing a task.
- Data Types – Examine the different types and what they mean.
- Empty Spaces – How to handle empty values.
- Error Action – Error handling in PowerShell.
- Formatting the Shell?
- Get-Date – Using dates in PowerShell.
- Get-History
- Hash Tables – A Deeper Dive
- Managing Output Files
- Out-GridView – Useful GUI feature for PowerShell
- PowerShell StopWatch
- Read-Host
- Role Based Access Controls (RBAC)
- Sort-Object and Unique Values
- Trim()
That is a small sampling of what is covered.
**note** if you’ve purchased another one of our books, 50% of the content in the book is already in the book you own.
PowerShell Quick References can be found: HERE
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